This March, we are inviting the public to participate in Walk With OTN, a month-long challenge to raise support for their street outreach and advocacy programs. Participants are asked to walk 15 miles over the course of the month, raising awareness and vital funds for our street outreach and advocacy programs.
Homelessness is a serious crisis in our city, and many of our neighbors have to walk miles every day in order to meet their basic needs. Those without vehicles are left with few options to get around. Even those who have the means to take the bus often still have to walk several miles to get to and from the bus stop. National media outlet Invisible People found that a person experiencing homelessness often walks 10-15 miles in a single day. In the spirit of solidarity, we are encouraging you to walk in support of those who walk out of necessity.
You can track their miles throughout the month and engage in conversation with their friends and family to raise awareness and support for the street outreach and advocacy work that OTN has been doing to address homelessness throughout the city for 15 years. To close out the month, we will host a free one-mile walk and community celebration at West Park on April 5th to walk one last mile together and reflect on the month.
The Details:
Distance challenge: Take the challenge and walk 15 miles throughout the month of March, asking your friends and family to sponsor you along the way.
One-mile walk and community celebration: All community members are invited to join us at West Park on April 5 at 10 a.m. for a family friendly walk and celebration.
More details and registration: For registration and more information, click here.
Go the distance for housing justice this month, and take part in community efforts for a Nashville where everyone has access to safe, dignified housing.